Sports Talk

Friday, November 11, 2011

What A Relief?

Jonathan Papelbon, the same player that helped blow the BoSox historical division lead has changed hats. The Phillies have decided they want to make Jonathan the highest paid reliever in baseball. I'm curious why the Phillies felt that with all their talent they needed to dump Lidge and add Papelbon? He signed a 4 year $50 million contract giving him $12 million annually. Sorry Phillie fans you needed middle relief pitching. Stop torching your money. Halliday is not going to last 9 innings every appearance. They need new bats in the lineup due to Werth's exit and an aging Jimmy Rollins. Use some of that "Yankee money" you're throwing around and spend it on power.

Prediction Corner (comment):
Will the aquesition of Papelbon get the Phillies to the World Series???

1 comment:

  1. Justin what do you think of Astros going to the AL in 2013? Do you think the comissioner twisted the new owners arm? Just wanted your proffesional opnion!
