This is my first blog post so I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a sports fanatic that unfortunately happens to be a die-hard Houston sports fan. I've experienced the highs of the 94'-95' championship Rockets. The heart breaking 15-30 Astros start that finished in a world series sweep. The year to year pain of watching each highly anticipated team the Texans produce crumble. I feel your pain Houston. We are not a well respected sports town and its not without reason. Our fan mentality is "oh we made the playoffs that's good enough". WRONG, with all the money the owners in this town possess they need to have championship caliber teams. I'm tired of seeing small market franchises that seemingly come out of nowhere and snag a title. For the size of the market we have and the overall success of our sports is absolutely "pathetic" as John McClain would say.
I have strong opinions about our sports franchises and I'll be going around sports not just focusing on Houston. You will hear some honest opinions mixed in with harsh reality and raw truths. stay tuned
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